The WWEA programme group has discussed many ideas for our programme in 2019. We want to prioritise workers’ education that raises awareness of social justice issues and equips activists and organisers with the skills they need to promote social change.
So far we have arranged three social justice forums between now and the end of the year and, in 2019, we’re planning two short courses. The first is likely to be on citizen journalism with weekend sessions on street photography, blogging for beginners, community radio, podcasting, and mastering social media. The other is likely to be a mid-week evening course and act as an introduction to capitalism: How did it start? How does it work? And why should we end it? This latter course is influenced by a programme offered in Auckland by Economic and Social Research Aoteroa.
There are, however, lots of other possibilities an we would love to hear your ideas about courses or events you would to to see us organise, or that you might be willing to offer. Just use our contact page to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you.
Image credit: Reel Youth